Club Activities : Activities are shown on the Calendar, click it in the Menu

Activities are arranged comprising visits to places and organisations of particular interest to Members often with a social luncheon.  Occasional trips of a longer duration to more distant destinations. Members’ wives or partners usually join in on social activities.

Geoff Morris

Contact Geoff direct:  Phone: 0412 613 591

 Wed 11 September:            Visit to the largest collection of ex military vehicles and memorabilia in                                                                                Australia. 

                                                       10.30 am  NMS Rathmines
                                                       11.45 am Leave for lunch at Toronto Workers Club
                                                       2.00 pm arrive Ryhope for part 2 of the collection                                                        

                 0412 613 591

Contact for Activities

Visits to places of interest and special luncheons provide relaxed social events
for members and their wives and partners.